(First-year students with interest in working for a few years preferred)

Eastwood Estate & Probate Law, located in downtown Birmingham, seeks detail-oriented law clerk for position beginning October 2022. Ideal candidate is a quick learner with excellent written and verbal communication skills and a heart for helping people. Work includes client communication, document drafting, file organization, and case collaboration. Firm also handles select appointed criminal cases. This is a full-time position requiring 30-40 hours per week. This is a paid position in a growing law firm with opportunities to bonus based on firm performance. This is an exciting place to work that will provide excellent experience for someone interested in the expanding and ever-needed area of estate and probate law. This position also provides well-rounded office administration skills in a friendly office environment.

To apply, please submit resume, course schedule, and recurring conflicts to lindsey@lindseyeastwood.com.

Preferred Skills (Not Required): Microsoft Word, Outlook, Excel, AlaCourt/AlaFile, Westlaw/Lexis

Firm Overview:

Eastwood Estate & Probate Law is a small firm specializing in estate and probate administration, estate planning, estate and trust litigation, and select criminal appointed cases. The firm provides representation in the following probate matters: Wills, Trusts, Estate Planning, Elder Law, Probate and Estate Administration, and Estate and Trust Litigation to people in Jefferson, Shelby, Tuscaloosa, Madison, Mobile, St. Clair, Blount, Walker, and Cullman counties and throughout Alabama. We are passionate about our work, and we offer our clients individual attention unique to many attorney-client relationships.