Florida Department of Children and Families

Children’s Legal Services represents the Department in ensuring that the best interests of the children are met.  They handle dependency cases.  Students assigned to this specialized unit will be involved in various aspects of the legal arena by working with attorneys and paralegals as they perform their day-to-day duties.

  • Assist Paralegals in the preparation and filing of pleadings
  • Assist Attorneys with discovery
  • Writes memorandum of law
  • Drafts motions and court orders
  • Writes questions and assists in the prepping of witnesses
  • Assist in preparation of subpoenas
  • Attend and observe staffing and shelter hearings, take notes as appropriate
  • Assist Attorneys in court at dependency and termination of parental rights court proceedings – take notes
  • Certified Legal Interns – appear in court and potentially to handle an assigned caseload

Student volunteers and interns are subject to a code of ethics similar to that of the department’s employees.  The department expects volunteers and interns to make a firm commitment of their time, talents and skills for a definite period of time. They are expected to complete assigned tasks and be accountable for the quantity and quality of their work and take problems, criticisms or suggestions directly to their supervisor.

Student volunteers and interns keep confidential all information they may learn directly or indirectly about a client or fellow worker.  They will not record or publish information which breaches confidentiality or allows the identification of the clients, including the release of their names to others, and must agree in writing not to willfully disclose to the public confidential or privileged information.

Duties may vary depending on the assignment.  DCF site supervisors will do their best to utilize the student at his/her fullest capacity, to assign him/her to challenging tasks whenever possible, and to allow the student the maximum opportunity to grow using skills acquired and the exercise of judgment in making decisions.

Some remote options are available.  Please send a resume with your preference of in-person or remote and location of interest. Jennifer.Maes@myflfamilies.com